- July 17, 2017
- Christian Living

Every few years there is a new burst in excitement over the latest idea in entertainment and communication. A recent example of this is found in YouTube. Founded in 2005, this little internet company went from a hub for home videos to a multi-billion dollar company that launched careers and revolutionized the video world. Around the time that YouTube was becoming what we know it as today, another idea starting gaining traction. Today, podcasts are the hip thing that every church, business, and media entity are involved in. These audio shows take many forms in both fiction and nonfiction. Podcasts are also being used by the biggest voices in the Christian community. Here are some of the most popular Christian podcasts on leadership and business.
Your Move with Andy Stanley
If you’re looking for Christian podcasts on leadership and business, Andy Stanley is one of the first names you should write down. With decades of writing and preaching under his belt, Stanley has plenty of authority when it comes to both leadership and ministry. His father is also Dr. Charles Stanley, one of the most revered pastors in American Christianity, so you know he comes from a Biblical background. Your Move is a podcast dedicated to Christian decision making and habit building. Applications for these lessons come in the form of relationships, starting a business, and so much more. If you want something a little different, you can also find the Andy Stanley Leadership Podcast which takes some of these same ideas a little deeper.
The Ray Edwards Show
Some speakers on this list are ministry leaders like Andy Stanley, but others have Christian podcasts on leadership and business where they are speaking from more of the industry angle. Ray Edwards is a communications strategist and author who can help you get your business up and running. If you look at some of the episodes from his podcast, you’ll see interviews with like-minded individuals, tips on email marketing, leadership tools, and other great topics. Edwards’ show is one of the top-rated business podcasts on iTunes, but you can also get helpful info on his website.
Craig Groeschel Leadership Podcast
Going back to pastors, Craig Groeschel is the Senior Pastor at Life.Church when he's not hosting this leadership podcast. Each episode of the program is less than a half hour and addresses many concerns that believers in the business world might have. Groeschel also answers questions from his listeners, so there’s a good chance that he’ll discuss something that will resonate with you. For topics that require a little more coverage, he will often create a series of messages on the podcast.
The Dave Ramsey Show - Christian Podcasts on Leadership and Business
We would be surprised if you had never heard of Dave Ramsey. Just in case you’ve been living under a rock, he is one of the most trusted voices when it comes to getting out of debt and making better financial investments. While not quite as leadership focused as these other Christian podcasts on leadership and business, his radio show is one of the most popular programs in all of the country. The podcast is basically the same thing as what you hear on the radio but segmented into 40-minute intervals. If you’re trying to fight your way out of debt, looking to invest, or just enjoy hearing sound financial advice, The Dave Ramsey Show might be the right choice for you.
This is Your Life with Michael Hyatt
Another popular podcast can be found at This is Your Life with Michael Hyatt. This show technically ended in 2016, but there are hundreds of episodes archived online. Hyatt has a long history of being savvy in both media and business. He was the CEO of Thomas Nelson Publishers, has written several popular books, and currently works as a consultant and leadership developer. Like many popular voices of Christian podcasts on leadership and business, Hyatt has experienced both great successes and great defeats. It is valuable life experience that beats anyone who has coasted throughout their careers. His website also has some free ebooks and blog posts available for your perusal.
The Portfolio Life with Jeff Goins
Entrepreneurs and business-minded folk are likely to have at least heard of Jeff Goins. He is a writer and speaker who has been recognized for his popular 2015 book, “The Art of Work.” He also released “Real Artists Don’t Starve” in 2017. For those looking to build a brand, write a book, or gain some business wisdom, it’s a good place to start. Many of the podcast episodes are interviews with successful authors, but there are plenty of times when Goins simply shares his advice. Hearing from so many creative thinkers could help you come to the best idea for your business. You can also listen to the short podcast series he did for his successful book at “The Art of Work Conversations.”
5 Leadership Questions
Most popular Christian podcasts on leadership and business are built on the existing brand of an author or media company. 5 Leadership Questions comes from the people at Lifeway and is hosted by Todd Adkins and Barnabas Piper. It features one of the simplest formulas for a show you can imagine: ask each episode’s guest five questions.
1. Who are you learning from?
2. What is the main point of emphasis for your leadership team (or self) right now?
3. What obstacles are you currently facing in leadership, either in your organization or personally?
4. What does leadership in your home look like?
5. What would you tell your 20-year-old self about preparing to lead?
With each guest, these questions explore many important features of leadership in business, ministry, and at home.
The Ziglar Show - Inspiring Your True Performance
Zig Ziglar was one of the most influential motivational speakers of all time. If you are in a place of authority or hoping to be some day, there’s likely to be a Ziglar book on your shelf. Hosted by Tom Ziglar and Kevin Miller, this show seeks to take Zig’s wisdom and apply it to today’s world. Christian podcasts on leadership and business are all about helping you to become a better person and treat others in a healthy manner while also maximizing your business potential. The Ziglar Show fits that theme perfectly as it’s all about being a better worker, leader, family man, and friend.
Seth Godin’s Startup School
Maybe you want a limited series of business podcasts that won’t clog up your feed for the next 12 years. Seth Godin has written 18 books and has a popular blog and online presence. After years of working in marketing and other audience-grabbing ventures, Godin has become one of the most popular resources for those looking to become more effective at work and at home. This specific podcast is about building your own business and learning how to make some of the tough calls that pop up along the way. With only 15 episodes each around 30 minutes long, you can work through this podcast in a week or less.
The Carey Nieuwhof Leadership Podcast
Another pastor with a popular leadership podcast is Carey Nieuwhof. You can get two different pastors to teach on the same text and come up with very different sermons where neither is incorrect. Similarly, you can listen to two different Christian podcasts on leadership and business from popular pastors and both be beneficial. Nieuwhof’s podcast carries the slogan of “Lead like never before” which is exactly what we want when researching these programs. The show is a little longer than some of these other podcasts, coming in at roughly an hour each.
By listening to a few of these Christian podcasts on leadership and business, you will be amazed to discover all of the wisdom that is out there. Subscribe to them all or go ahead and listen to an episode or two to find out if they are for you. We all need to better understand what it means to be a leader so that we can be our best at home, work, or in the church.
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